In the stunning surrounds of Newbridge Town Hall on a Saturday in October diverse forces working towards one thing came together. There was a lovely energy from both speakers and the gathered audience- everyone present was clearly passionate about education – it was palpable.
The picture below shows us all agog at the address from our keynote speaker, Professor Patricia Mannix McNamara – Head of Teaching Studies at the University of Limerick. Nell Smyth’s central presentation on “Experiencing Steiner Waldorf Education” was wonderfully engaging , as was our own teacher Hanna Tuuri Burke’s insights on what it is that this education gives to people as adults- namely wholeness. All the speakers were, as someone commented, “world-class”.
We have been truly privileged in the last year, whilst planning the conference, to be inspired and supported by some of the wonderful people who came to speak to us: particularly Dr Mike Wride of TCD and Martin Hawkes, leader of the Burren Symposium on Creative Education.